GSA endorsed:
Data Dealer
personal data mining

29. Mai 2008, 19:00, Kunsthalle Projectspace

GSA Forum

The New Security Culture

The phantasms of collective perception of public space from the view of the new security culture: art, cultural industries and cognitive media technologies of information and risk societies grow to be determining elements of a new security economy and of new symbol-political strategies in semiotic democracies.


Recent Research Documents: Fact, Fiction and Rationality, Security Aesthetic = Systems Panic, Transforming Peace, Sicherheits-Kreativindustrie und Extraterrestrische Biopolitik, Von der Freiheit der Kunst zur Sicherheitskunst, Extraterrestrial Biopolitics and Creative Industries Security, Immaterial Civil War, Security Aesthetics from "Risk A", Triumph der Worte, Die neue Sicherheitskultur, Culture and 21st Century Risk Management, Bodies of Fear in a World of Threat, Safe Distance Transcript
